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Amazon FBA Fees in Detail - What You Should Know...

Our single and bulk FBA fee & profit calculator is KEY to understanding your numbers for selling on Amazon. Not only does it help you determine the best products to sell, but just as importantly allows you to monitor the products you're currently selling to avoid margin erosion.

If you're serious about your numbers (and you should be!), read our guide below that covers everything about selling via Amazons fulfillment channel:

What is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and how does it work?

Fulfilling your products with Amazon allows you to focus on other parts of your business. FBA allows you to store inventory and fulfill any orders placed by buyers by packaging each of your units, and shipping them to the customer normally within 2 days for Prime members.

Of course with any convenience there comes costs. FBA is not exactly free. Next we'll show you exactly how to use the single or bulk FBA calculator and understand both your fees and profits.

Comprehensive use of the FBA fee & profit calculator

It's a simple process for using both the single and bulk FBA fee and profit calculator. Below, we'll show you not only how to use it, but how the data effects you as a seller on Amazon.

  • 1 Product Dimensions

    Synccentric's FBA calculator returns both item and package dimensions including height, length, width, and weight of the item. Size and weight plays a big part in the calculations of your FBA fees. Depends on your strategy, but we like small or assembled items at lightweight that can significantly lower storage and shipping costs.

  • 2 Item Landed Price

    By default, we use the Amazon buy box price of the listing. If that doesn't exist, we return the landed (price + shipping) lowest price offer. You can change this value to your own price and recalculate.

  • 3 FBA Fees

    Tier Level: Based on the packaged unit weight and dimensions. Tiers include: Small Standard-Size, Large Standard-Size, Small Oversize, Medium Oversize, Large Oversize, and Special Oversize.

    Pick & Pack: This is the cost for Amazon to physically retrieve the item, pack it, and the packaging material used for the shipment. Fees are based on the cost of labor and the number of orders a person can process per hour, divided by their hourly cost.

    Monthly Storage: Monthly Fee for storing a product unit in an Amazon fulfillment center. Calculations are based on the volume of the product in cubic feet.

    Order Handling: A flat fee per FBA order that applies to certain tier levels.

    Weight Handling: This fee is the weight based shipping fee for Fulfillment by Amazon orders. This fee is calculated based on the weight of the item. For large-screen television units including plasma, LCS, projection, and CRT, this will include a Special Handling fee of $50 per unit based on size.

  • 4 Referral Fee

    Referral fees apply to all sellers, MFN and FBA. These are percentage fees Amazon charges for each item that you sell on their website; a fee on the total sales price (excluding tax) for referring the buyer to your offer. The fee percentage varies depending on the category your product is in. The most common fee percentages are between 8-20%, however they can go up to 45% for Amazon device accessories. There is also a fee minimum for most categories of $1 ($2 for jewelry and watches).

  • 5 Product Costs

    These are your costs to acquire the product from your supplier or if you manufacturer the item.

  • 6 Shipping Costs

    These are your shipping costs; if you ship in bulk or to different warehouses, just take the average cost for a single product.

  • 7 Est. Monthly Units Sold

    Total units you estimate to sell on Amazon in a single month.

  • 8 Profit or Loss

    Calculates if the product is profitable or not.

    Revenue: Your revenue is the total amount of the sale (this includes any shipping or wrapping fees you charge).

    COGS: Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is the direct costs of sales on Amazon. This includes the product costs, shipping, and Amazon fees.

    Profit: This is your Gross Profit, specifically your Revenue - COGS. If a profit is not made, we'll show this as a negative value indicating a loss.

    Profit Margin: Profit Margin is the result of your Gross Profit divided by your Revenue. This percentage is a must-know for successfully sustaining (and growing) a profitable business.

  • 9 *Variable Closing Fee

    Not shown in the example screenshot because this only applies to *Media items. The variable closing fee applies to all sellers in this category and is a fixed $1.80.

How to Calculate your Profits in Bulk

Forget searching each product to see if it's profitable to sell. Upload your full list of product identifiers and calculate in a batch process.

  • 1. Import your CSV

    Import your CSV file containing your unique identifiers in one column and your product costs in another.

  • 2. Start the Search to Calculate FBA Fees and Profits

    Click 'Search' to start gathering all of the products pricing and shipping info and calculate the FBA fees for each product. Returns the following data: FBA Tier Level, FBA Order Handling Fee, FBA Pick & Pack Fee, FBA Weight Handling Fee, FBA Total Fees, Profit, and Profit Margin.

  • 3. View or Export Results

    Analyze the results of your FBA calculations in a user-friendly data management interface, or export the results back to a CSV or Excel file.

View other available data

Calculate Your Profits and Margins in Bulk Search

Join our premium plan or higher to start calculating FBA fees and profits for up to thousands of products per search.

Get started

Search Amazon Globally

Connect to Amazon.com, Canada (.ca), United Kingdom (.co.uk), Germany (.de), France (.fr), Spain (.es), Italy (.it), Japan (.jp), India (.in), Dubai (.ae), Australia (.com.au), Brazil (.com.br), Mexico (.mx), Netherlands (.nl), South Africa (.sa), Turkey (.com.tr) and China (.cn).

Available Amazon Data

You can collect, analyze, and export the following data. Note, some attributes are available only on certain plans.

Product Data:

  • ASIN

    Amazon Standard Identification Number

  • UPC

    Universal Product Code

  • EAN

    International Article Number (European Article Number)

  • SKU

    Stock-keeping Unit

  • MPN

    Manufacturer Part Number

  • Keywords

    Search Amazon for keywords or titles of your products and return matching results

  • ISBN

    International Standard Book Number

  • Parent ASIN

    Parent ASIN of a product listing. A listing has a parent ASIN if there are children ASINs (product variations) assigned.

  • Children ASIN

    The children ASINs of a product listing. These children ASINs typically represent variations of a parent ASIN like sizes or colors.

  • Manufacturer

    The manufacturer name or brand name of the product

  • Description

    Full product (editorial) description

  • Model

    The product model

  • Package Dimensions Height

    The shipping package height

  • Package Dimensions Width

    The shipping package width

  • Package Dimensions Length

    The shipping package length

  • Package Dimensions Weight

    The shipping package weight

  • Item Dimensions Height

    The product height

  • Item Dimensions Width

    The product width

  • Item Dimensions Length

    The product length

  • Item Dimensions Weight

    The product weight

  • Publication Date (Books)

    The date the book was published

  • Edition (Books)

    The edition of the book if available

  • Number of Pages (Books)

    Total number of pages the book has

  • Trade-in Value

    The product trade-in value (primarily for books)

  • Size

    The size of the product (i.e. Shoe size)

  • Color

    The color of the product if available

  • Merchant Name

    The seller's name of the buy box price

  • 5 Additional Images

    The primary image URL of the product and 4 additional image URLs if available

  • Category

    The top level category of the product

  • Subcategory

    The lowest level category of the product

  • All Categories

    Includes the category hierarchy that the product is in (i.e. Electronics > Computers & Accessories > Tablets).

  • Amazon Listing URL

    The URL of the main product page on Amazon

  • Binding (Books)

    The binding of a book (i.e. Hardcover, Paperback, Spiral)

  • Brand

    The brand name or manufacturer name of a product

  • Label

    The label of a product, commonly a book (i.e. Scholastic)

  • Number of Items

    Number of items in a product

  • Package Quantity

    Quantity of items in a package

  • Product Group

    The product category an item belongs to

  • Product Type Name

    The Amazon 'type name' identifier, i.e. (CONSOLE_VIDEO_GAMES)

  • Publisher (Books)

    The publisher of a book

  • Release Date

    The release date of a book

  • Small Image

    Primary product small image URL (normally 75px width)

  • Medium Image

    Primary product medium image URL (normally 160px width)

  • Large Image

    Primary product large image URL (normally 500px width)

  • Features

    Bullet point descriptions on a product listing

  • Studio

    The name of the studio, such as Warner Brothers, that produced a digital item

  • Title

    The Amazon listing title of the product

Product Pricing:

  • Buybox New Landed Price

    The total buy box listing price and shipping price of a product in new condition.

  • Buybox New Listing Price

    The buy box listing price of a product in new condition.

  • Buybox New Shipping Price

    The buy box shipping price of a product in new condition.

  • Buybox Used Landed Price

    The total buy box listing price and shipping price of a product in used condition.

  • Buybox Used Listing Price

    The buy box listing price of a product in used condition.

  • Buybox Used Shipping Price

    The buy box shipping price of a product in new condition.

  • Buybox Used Subcondition

    The buy box subcondition of a used product (i.e. New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor).

  • Lowest Offer Listings

    Contains pricing information for the lowest offer listing for each offer listing group.

  • Lowest New Fulfillment Channel

    The fulfillment channel - Merchant or FBA - of the seller with the absolute lowest price new condition offer (total list price + shipping).

  • Lowest New Price

    The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a new item regardless of fulfillment channel.

  • Lowest New Shipping

    The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a new item regardless of fulfillment channel.

  • Lowest Used Fulfillment Channel

    The fulfillment channel - Merchant or FBA - of the seller with the absolute lowest price used condition offer (total list price + shipping).

  • Lowest Used Price

    The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a used item regardless of fulfillment channel.

  • Lowest Used Shipping

    The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a used item regardless of fulfillment channel.

  • Lowest New Price FBA

    The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, new item condition offer.

  • Lowest New Shipping FBA

    The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, new condition offer.

  • Lowest Used Price FBA

    The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, used condition offer.

  • Lowest Used Shipping FBA

    The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, used condition offer.

  • Lowest New Price Merchant

    The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, new condition offer.

  • Lowest New Shipping Merchant

    The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, new condition offer.

  • Lowest Used Price Merchant

    The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, used condition offer.

  • Lowest Used Shipping Merchant

    The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, used condition offer.

  • Lowest Refurbished Price

    The lowest price of a refurbished product.

  • Has Super Saver Shipping

    A '0' represents no SSS and a '1' notes the buy box product offers Super Saver Shipping. SSS is commonly offered with prime as well.

  • List Price Amount

    The full retail price of the product suggested by the manufacturer or supplier.

Analytical Data:

  • Sales Rank

    The Amazon Sales Rank assigned to a product within a certain category that represents sales performance. A lower number means a better ranking.

  • Total New Sellers

    Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a new conditioned item.

  • Total Used Sellers

    Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a used conditioned item.

  • Total Refurbished Sellers

    Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a refurbished conditioned item.

  • Lowest New Feedback Rating

    (98-100%, 95-97%, 90-94%, 80-89%, 70-79%, Less than 70%, or Just launched ) – Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings for the lowest priced seller on a new conditioned item that were positive over the past 12 months.

  • Lowest New Feedback Count

    The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group of new conditioned items.

  • Lowest Used Feedback Rating

    (98-100%, 95-97%, 90-94%, 80-89%, 70-79%, Less than 70%, or Just launched ) – Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings for the lowest priced seller on a used conditioned item that were positive over the past 12 months.

  • Lowest Used Feedback Count

    The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group of used conditioned items.

  • Lowest New Feedback Rating FBA

    Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Rating' above.

  • Lowest New Feedback Count FBA

    Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Count' above.

  • Lowest Used Feedback Rating FBA

    Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Rating' above.

  • Lowest Used Feedback Count FBA

    Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Count' above.

  • Lowest New Feedback Rating Merchant

    Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Rating' above.

  • Lowest New Feedback Count Merchant

    Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Count' above.

  • Lowest Used Feedback Rating Merchant

    Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Rating' above.

  • Lowest Used Feedback Count Merchant

    Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Count' above.

  • FBA Tier Level

    Fulfillment by Amazon Tier Level (i.e. Small Standard-Size, Large Standard-Size, Small Oversize, Medium Oversize, Large Oversize, Special Oversize).

  • FBA Order Handling

    Fulfillment by Amazon Order Handling Fee.

  • FBA Pick & Pack

    Fulfillment by Amazon Pick and Pack Fee.

  • FBA Weight Handling

    Fulfillment by Amazon Weight Handling Fee.

  • FBA Fee Total

    Fulfillment by Amazon Fee Total.