Your Amazon M

Map identifiers to Amazon listings. Return hundreds of fields per product. Analyze metrics for pricing, sales rank, and competition.

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Map identifiers like UPCs, EANs, MPNs,ISBNs, Titles, or ASINs to Amazon Listings. Convert IDs just as easily.

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Data Retrieval

Return product and listing data forhundreds of fields per listing like images, categories, sales rank, & pricing.

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Listing Metrics

Buy box pricing, lowest offers, sales rankhistory, competition, and other aggregate data.

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Mapping identifiers to Amazon product listings

Smart mapping technology that can take your identifiers and map them to the correct products on Amazon.

Bulk identifier mapping

Import your list of ASINs, UPCs, EANs, MPNs, ISBNs, SellerSKUs, or Product Titles and our system will map the most accurate listing on Amazon associated with your identifiers.

Your suppliers or manufacturers might have thousands of products identifiers - but no worries - our powerful bulk search can process up to 100,000 at a time.

Search filters for accuracy

Search by your main identifier and add filters including:

  • Brand,
  • Size,
  • Quantity,
  • Color,
  • MPN,
  • Model,
  • Category

You can also add blacklist keywords to exclude listings you want to avoid. For example, exclude all listings that contain the word "Value Pack".

Import up to thousands of identifiers for bulk mapping and see results in seconds

Free & paid plans. No credit card required.

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Synccentric has been invaluable...their platform is super fast and responsiveness on development projects always exceeds expectation. The best partner we've worked with in this space!


Retrieve Product Data

Collect hundreds of attributes per product

Product & listing data

We collect hundreds of data fields per product including Identifiers (ASINs, UPC, EANs, MPNs, ISBNs) and other fields like images, descriptions, features, categories, brand name, dimensions, pricing, and a long list of other attributes.

Our database is huge! Instantly search from over 500 million products in Synccentric by ID, Brand, Category, or Keyword. You can also search Amazon in real-time using a list of Identifiers or Titles.

Filter fields you want to view or export

While our system collects a ton of product doesn’t mean you need to sift through it all in excel. Easily select the fields you want to view or export or change the display order to focus on what’s important to you.

Presets are available for saving different display or export settings so you don’t need to change your settings each time you need different types of information.

Retrieve product data for hundreds of fields. Search on Amazon & our database of over 500M+

Free & paid plans. No credit card required.

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We have been using Synccentric for a variety of things...including leveraging your platform to help us with finding specific shipping dimensions and weight for items via ASINs... your platform is extremely helpful!


Listing Metrics & Analytics

Ecommerce metrics that help you understand how well a product is selling and it’s competition.

In-depth product pricing

Retrieve real-time pricing for all Amazon listing offers. Select from the list price, buy box price, or lowest offers.

Narrow in on fulfillment channel, FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) or FBM (fulfilled by Merchant). Discover who the buy box winner is and if Amazon is a seller or not.

Sales rank filtering and history

Amazon sales rank offers insight on how well an item is selling at any given moment. Dive deeper with our sales rank filters to make sure you’re selling on the best listing if duplicates exist or to exclude products when scouting by placing a range - i.e. only show products with a top category sales rank of 1000 or better.

Sales rank can change often which is why we have calculated sales rank averages using data history of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. This offers a more reliable depiction of how well an item is selling and prevents misleading values like products that only perform well seasonally.

Analyze competition of listings

Analyze the competition of Amazon listings with data that includes total offers new or used by Amazon, FBA, or MFN. Retrieve seller ratings, shipping time, buybox winner, and other fields that give you insight on the competition of a listing.

Narrow your search results with filters that exclude a certain type of seller like Amazon itself or FBA New. Limit the total number of sellers on a listing or set a range of offers based on fulfillment type.

Calculate FBA Fees, Revenue, and Profits

How much does it cost to sell on Amazon? Which products will make a profit and which will you loose money on? Synccentric returns accurate fees, profits, and margins so you can focus on the items that are worth selling.

Calculate for a singe product or thousands at once. Our system provides the ability to make bulk calculations so you can analyze up to thousands of products in a single search. Learn more about our Amazon FBA Calculator.

Analyze pricing, sales rank, reviews, competition, historical and other listing data & metrics.

Free & paid plans. No credit card required.

Get started

Synccentric has been invaluable for gathering accurate product and price comparison data. The best data partner we've worked with in this space!


Search all Amazon locales

Connect to, Canada (.ca), United Kingdom (, Germany (.de), France (.fr), Spain (.es), Italy (.it), Japan (.jp), India (.in), Dubai (.ae), Australia (, Brazil (, Mexico (.mx), Netherlands (.nl), South Africa (.sa), Turkey ( and China (.cn).

Instant Results - Try It Now!

Join our Basic plan for free and see results within minutes of uploading your file. Our plans go up to 100,000 records with unlimited searches.

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